
Dismissal of a Child

Kids' Kingdom preschool reserves the right to dismiss any child from the daycare center. Dismissal may occur in the following instances; parent/guardian and/or child do not comply with the child care center policies, the Director of Kids' Kingdom Learning Center or the Local Board Administration determines that a child has a behavioral, physical, and/or learning problem that the center is not equipped to handle, frequent late payments or delinquent account, and if a child is unable to act appropriately during group experiences and daily activities. Inappropriate behaviors that result in dismissal includes the use of foul or slang language, touching other students in an inappropriate manner, acting aggressively or violent towards teachers or other children, destroying the property of the daycare center, teacher(s), or other children, as well as any other behavior(s) deemed inappropriate by the Director of Kids' Kingdom Learning Center or the Local Board Administration.

Withdrawal Policy

The parent/guardian will give two weeks notice, in writing, stating the reason for withdrawal and the final date the child will attend.